Quality Solutions Consultant

Founder Of David Hutchins International Quality Collage

David Hutchins is currently the sole UK Academician in the International Academy for Quality (https://www.dhiqc.com). IAQ is acknowledged to be the world’s leading authority in the Quality Sciences and Disciplines. Membership is severely limited to those who have a strong and proven record of achievement at the highest level.

Following a career in Industrial and Production Engineering in the high precision Automotive and Printing machinery sectors, resulting in the position of Works Manager, David moved into Education and consultancy in 1969 primarily to stimulate a response from British manufacture to the growing challenge from Japan.

He organized the first ever seminar in the UK entitled ‘Total Quality Control’ in 1973. Established his own consultancy, education and training organization in 1975, was responsible for the inspiration and organization of the epoc making event ‘The Japanese Approach to Product Quality’ held at the Institute of Directors in 1979 at which Professor Ishikawa made his one and only ever visit to the UK and Europe. Since then David Hutchins has continued to pursue and confirm his beliefs in an approach to the achievement of QUALITY EXCELLENCE through people involvement and empowerment as opposed to the short sighted conformance route.

Author of the Award winning book ‘Quality Beyond Borders’, Hoshin Kanri and 8 other bestselling books.


Hoshin Kanri, Policy and Strategy Deployment, and Policy Control, Project by Project Improvement, Root Cause Analysis (RCA) , self managing work groups and quality circles, New Product Development tools and process, Supply Chain Management, Benchmarking, creation and delivery of e-learning and distance learning materials, to Level 7 from Level 3 in the Quality Sciences and Disciplines.